

 Hello, Many people do not go to a dentist regularly. They visit them whenever there is a problem like toothache or gum bleeding. However, it is quite damaging for your oral health. You must find a family dentist who will inform you about your next appointment and his team will follow up to book the consultation. It ensures that you do not miss any check-ups and your teeth remain in top condition forever. It is also helpful when you have a dental emergency and need to book an urgent appointment. You family dentist will help you. I am sharing an article to explain the benefits of a family dentist.

Australia's rental crisis is especially tight on the Gold Coast. How can we free up empty homes?

 It is one of the tightest rental markets in Australia. But as rents surge and thousands face housing insecurity, statistics suggest almost three in 10 houses are empty in parts of Queensland's Gold Coast. At the same time, 10 per cent of households on the Gold Coast — as well as in the nearby areas of Logan and Beaudesert — are either homeless or living in unaffordable housing. So, why are so many dwellings unoccupied, and can anything be done to open them up? Read More:

Police reveal shocking stats in Easter holiday crackdown so far

 Queensland Police have busted hundreds of people drunk behind the wheel these school holidays already, and a devastating three lives have been lost on our roads. A shocking 341 people have been charged with drink and drug driving offences over the first five days of the Easter police operation, with police conducting over 14,000 RBT’s across the state The holidays so far have also resulted in a the death of three people on Queensland roads, while there has been a total of 128 crashes, resulting in 166 people injured. Read More:

“Devastating” Gold Coast classroom destroyed in school holiday blaze

 A group of vacation care students have had to be evacuated after a large fire broke out at Labrador State School. The blaze is believed to have started in an outdoor structure before spreading to a nearby classroom at the education facility on Imperial Parade around 11.45am. Thankfully no one was inside the classroom at the time as it is school holidays, however, a number of children who were attending the PCYC school holiday program were evacuated onto the oval. Read More:

Where Can You Donate In Gold Coast? Furniture, Clothes & More

 Hello friends, When you are moving to a new home, decluttering is crucial to get rid of everything you don’t want at your new home. It also helps reduce your packing and moving load. But what most people don’t know is that a lot of things we throw away end up in landfill. Therefore, you must discard everything responsibly and you can do so by donating personal and household items. Make sure the things are in good condition, legal and suitable for all ages. To know where to donate in Gold Coast, here is a list of places you must explore. Have a look.

City of Gold Coast committee renews push to remove 'Yatala lights' after hoon driving reports

 Efforts to remove the controversial Yatala lights installation along the M1 motorway on the Gold Coast have been renewed just days after the lights were switched off to disrupt what police have called hoon driving. City of Gold Coast councillor Mark Hammel, whose division takes in the area, today moved a motion seeking the council "commence the removal of the Yatala lights installation" at a cost of $250,000. He received unanimous support from councillors on the Transport and Infrastructure Committee. Read More:

Electricity prices set to surge up to 30 per cent as regulators reveal draft pricing plans

 The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has revealed draft electricity price increases of between 20 and 22 per cent over the coming financial year, while Victorian consumers can expect a 30 per cent price surge. However, the AER's chair, Clare Savage, said the default market offer for electricity would likely have risen between 40 to 50 per cent without government intervention to cap prices in the domestic gas and coal markets late last year.  "Since [the government] started talking about interventions in October last year, the prices seem to have stabilised in the last couple of months," she told RN Breakfast. Read More: