
Showing posts from February, 2021

Can House Cleaning Help Reduce Your Stress Levels

  Hello my dear readers, I am back with another wonderful article for you to read. Please have a look at this wonderful article now to know why cleaning is good for your mental health. Through this article you can learn how cleaning helps reduce your stress levels. There are many reasons cited in the article that outline how cleaning is helpful. In addition, you will find important tips for keeping your house neat and tidy. So, please read the article now and gain valuable knowledge. Also, please share this article with near and dear ones to help them fight stress as well.

Crown inquiry could also spell trouble for NSW pubs and clubs and their 90,000 poker machines

 With a business model based on an oversupply of losing gamblers, Crown has been on a winning streak since the 1990s. But when the Bergin Inquiry report was tabled in NSW Parliament this week, the company's directors got an insight into what it was like to end a night at the casino with the arse out of your trousers and no cab fare home. Few public inquiries have skewered a corporate giant like Bergin has done to Crown, and the pain is not over yet.

Australia eviscerated in savage South China Morning Post column

 Australia is a nation in the midst of an “identity crisis” with “anxiety about a rapidly changing world”, a columnist for a Hong Kong-based newspaper has written in a scathing editorial piece. Financial expert Winston Mok said the Australian Government had made “unwise” decisions that had “alienated” China – such as taking the lead in boycotting Huawei and its call for an international inquiry into the origins of COVID-19 – but suggested we face much deeper problems as a nation.

Instagram-worthy': Covid-19 predicted to change design of Australian universities

Australian universities are prioritising “Instagram-worthy” experiences on campus, while cutting building costs and face-to-face lectures, according to an external report on university digitisation. The report, commissioned by telecommunications company Optus and IT company Cisco, claims that universities are moving towards “campuses that are cheaper to build” after the Covid-19 pandemic. While the report was not written by a university, or a university industry body, Optus said it is based on “responses from executives across 80% of Australian higher education and Tafe institutes”.

Cathay Pacific temporarily suspends all flights to Australia, except to Sydney

 Cathay Pacific Airways has temporarily suspended all flights to Australia, except to Sydney, as it figures out how to manage new COVID restrictions imposed by the Hong Kong Government. From February 20, the airline will be halting its flights to Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth until the end of the month at least.