Industry groups slam Queensland Government's Christmas Eve plan Read more at

The National Retail Association, the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Queensland, the Queensland Hotels Association and the Australasian Association of Convenience Stores have slammed the moves by the Queensland Government to legislate a part-day public holiday from 6pm on Christmas Eve.
The industry bodies have again warned the Palaszczuk Government of the impact this move will have on Queensland’s small business community.

The proposal has previously been considered by former Labor State Minister John Mickel and was rejected due to the financial impacts on the business community.

The industry bodies suggest that if passed, the part-day public holiday will have severe impacts on small, mum-and-dad businesses.

"This proposal will result in one of the following outcomes, none of which are desirable to either business owners or the workers they employ: small business passing on the extra costs to consumers via higher prices; operators closing their doors for trade during the affected hours; or owners sending staff home and working the public holiday hours themselves with no extra pay.

"Those who will be hurt most by this are not large multi-nationals, but mum-and-dad small businesses who work ridiculous hours just to make ends meet.

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